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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Learn thai Language (Belajar Bahasa Thai)

Easy To Learn Thai Language (Belajar Bahasa Thai)

Bagi yang ingin "belajar bahasa thai", di sini saya akan post kan beberapa perkataan dan ayat basic dalam mempelajari bahasa thai ini. mana la tahu kot2 korang nak melepak kat kedai tomyam masakan thai, bolehlah sembang dengan na'ek (awek) thai. Mungkin juga anda berkenan dengan na'ek thai ke..:-)

Mari Belajar Bahasa Thai ( Pelajaran Pertama )

satu = neng
dua = song
tiga = saam
empat = si
lima = ha
enam = houk
tujuh = chet
lapan = ped
sembilan = kaw
sepuluh = sib

sawaddi krab/kha = selamat sejahtera ( "krab/khab" ditutur oleh boy dan "kha" ditutur oleh girl)
Selamat Pagi = Arun Sawad
Selamat Malam = Ratree Sawad
Selamat Tinggal = La korn
Apa Khabar? = Sabai di Mai?
Khabar Baik = Sabai di
Terima Kasih = Khob Khun
Terima Kasih (diucap oleh lelaki) = Khob Khun Krab (ada kalanya disebut Khob Khun Khab)
Terima Kasih (diucap oleh perempuan = Khob Khun Kha
Awak tinggal di mana? = Khun ju thi nai
Awak dari mana? = Khun ma chak nai
Bolehkah awak cakap bahasa Thai? = Khun phud phasa Thai dai mai?
Ya (diucap oleh lelaki) = Krab/Khab
Ya (diucap oleh perempuan = Kha
Ya = Chai
Boleh = Dai
Tidak = Mai
Tidak boleh = Mai Dai
pergi = Peai/pai
mari = Ma
Makan = Kin
Minum = Deum
Beritahu = Bouk/Bok
Tahu = Roou (lalau bahasa bm disebut 'ru')
Tidak Tahu = Mai Roou
Tidak Pandai = Mai Pen
Mahu = Aw/Ao
Tidak Mahu = Mai Aw
Di mana? = Thi nai?
Bila = Mea rai
Siapa = Khrai
Apa = Arai
kedai = Rarn
Jalan = Thanon
Rumah = Ban
Wang = ngen
Market = Talat
Ini Berapa? = Ni thau rai?
Itu Berapa? = Nan thau rai?
Mahal = Pheng
Murah = Thook
Banyak = Mak Mak (kalau nak ucap terima kasih byk2, ucap la "Khob Khun Mak Mak")
Sikit = Nid Noi
Senyum = Jim (kalau nak suruh awek senyum sikit, korang cakap la "Jim Noi")
saya (ditutur oleh girl) = chan
saya (ditutur oleh boy) = phom
cinta = rak
Suka = chob
kamu = ther
saya cintakan kamu/awak = chan/phom rak ther
saya suka awak = chan/phom chob ther
cik/awak = Khun
Dia = Khau
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Mari Belajar Bahasa Thai ( Pelajaran Dua )

Saya = Phom,Kra'phom,Chan,Di'chan
Awak = Ther, Khun
adik perempuan = Norng Saw
Dia = Khao
Nama = Che
Encik = Khun, Naai
Kita = Rao
Cik = Khun, Narng Saw
Bapa Saudara = Lung,Naa', Aa
Tuan = Than
Emak Saudara = Paa , Naa
Puan = Narng
Suami = Saami
Mereka = Khao Thang Lai
isteri = Phanraya
Aku = Ku
isteri muda = Mia Noi
Kamu = Meng
isteri tua = Mia Luang
Ayah (Bapa) = Bi'da (phao)
Anak = Look
Bonda (ibu) = Manda (mae)
Anak Saudara = Larn
Abang/kakak = Phee
Anak Dara = Look Saw
Adik = Norng
Anak tiri = Look Liang
Abang ( L) = Phee Cha
anak kunci = Look kunchae
Kakak (P) = Phee Saw
anak menantu (L) = Look kheghey
Adik (L) = Norng Chai
anak menantu (P) = look Sa'phaii
Bapa Mertua = Pho kheghey
ibu mertua = Ma kheghey
Abang ipar = Phee kheghey
kakak ipar = Phee Sa'phaii
Adik ipar = Norng kheghey
Bapa tiri = Pho Liang
Ibu tiri = Mae Liang
Pondan = Kra'theghey
Anak lelaki = Look chai
anak perempuan = Look Saw
Anak yatim = Look Kampraa Look liang
Waris = jart
adik beradik = Phee norng
Orang = khon
Orang Muda (L) = Khon nun
Orang tua = Khon kae
Orang lain = Khon een
Gadis/perawan = Saw
Orang ini = Khon nee'
Tiap Tiap oramg = thuk thuk khon
Orang itu = khon nant
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Tiga]

Hari Sabtu = Wan Sao
Hari ahad = Wan Arthit
Hari Isnin = Wan Chant
Hari Selasa = Wan Angkhaan
Hari Rabu = Wan phut
Hari Khamis = Wan Pha' re'hat
Hari Jumaat = Wan suk
Hari cuti = Wan Jud Ngan
Hari Kelepasan am = Wan jud rachakarn
Hari Tahun Baru = Wan pee mai
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Empat]

Bulan = Deghan
Bulan Januari = Deghan Mak Krakhom
Bulan Februari = Deghan khumphaphan
Bulan March = Deghan Mee nakhom
Bulan April = Deghan Mesayon
Bulan Mei = Deghan Pre saphakom
Bulan Jun = Deghan Mee thu' nayon
Bulan Julai = Deghan karak kdakhom
Bulan Ogos = Deghan Siang ha khom
Bulan September = Deghan Kan yayon
Bulan Oktober = Deghan Tu'la korn
Bulan November = Deghjan Pre sachik kayon
Bulan Disember = Deghan Thanwakhom
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Lima]

Warna : see
Warna merah : see daeng
Warna kuning : see Leghang
Warna biru : see Naamngen
Warna biru muda : see Faa
Warna hitam ; see dam
Warna kelabu : see thau
Warna hijau : see khiaw
Warna muda (lembut): see orn
Warna puteh : see khaaw
Warna ungu : see muang
Warna jambu : see chompu
Warna koko : see koko
Warna cerah : see chaeng
Warna gelap : see merd

[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand] 

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Enam]

Ini : Nee'
Itu : Nant
Di sini : Thi Nee
Di sana : Thi Nont
Di situ : Thi Nant
Di mana ? : Thi Naii ?
Apa? : A'arai ?
Itu apa? : Nant a'arai?
Bila ? : Megharai ?
Siapa ? : Khrai ?
Buat apa ? : Tham a'arai ?
Kenapa ? : Tham mai?
Ya (jawapan) : Chai
Ya (Jawapan lelaki) : Khrab
Ya (jawapan perempuan) : Khah
Bukan : Mai Chai
Tidak : Mai, Plao
Sekarang : Diaw nee
Yang lepas : Thi Pharm maa
Lepaskan : Ploi
Ada : mee
Tiada ; mai mee
Ada urusan ; mee thu' ra'
Ada hal ; mee reghang
Tiada apa apa ; mai mee a'arai
Ada sedikit sahaja ; mee lek noi thaunant
Sudah ; Sed laew
Belum sudah ; Yang mai sed
Sudah selesai ; Sed riabroi laew
Sudah habis ; Mod laew
Masih ada lagi ; yang mee eik
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Tujuh]

Tubuh (badan) : Rang kai
Rambut : Sent phom
Kepala : Hua (sisa')
Telinga : Hoo
Lidah : Lint
Mata : Taa
Biji mata : Look taa
Hidong : Chmook
Pipi : Kaem
Dagu : Kharng
Lubang : Roo
Lubang hidung : Roo chmook
Lubang telina : Roo hoo
Tengkak/leher : Kho
Tangan : Me'
Lengan : Khaen
Tangan kiri : me' saii
Tangan kanan : me' khwa
Jari : Niw'
Jari tangan : Niw' me'
Jari kaki : Niw' thaw
Kaki : Thaw, khaa
Ibu jari : Hua mae me
Jari telunjuk : Niaw chee'
Jari tengah : Niw klang
Jari manis : Niw narng
Jari kelingking : Niw koi
Siku : sork
Perut : Thong
Dada : ok , naa ok
Tulang : kra'doo
kepal : kam me'
tulang belakang : kra dook sanlang
Kampung awak kat mana ? - ban den yu thi nai ?

[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand] 

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Lapan]

Hantar ; song
Buat ; Tham
Buat apa? ; Tham a'arai?
Bangun ; luk ken
Bangun tidur ; tern norn
Berdiri ; Jern
Bercakap ; Phood
Berbual ; khuai
Makan ; kin
Minum ; Derm
Telan ; kelen
Tidur ; Norn
Turun ; Long
Naik ; Ken
Bergerak ; Khleghan wai
Menangis ; Rong hai
Sarapan ; Rab pra'tharm
Senyum ; Jim
Ketawa ; Hua ro'
Tolong ; Chuai
Cegah ; Pongkan
Sepak ; Tek
Sepak bola ; Tek futboln
Tolak ; phlak
Tarik : Deng
Duduk ; Nang
Kejar ; Jik
Halau ; Lai
Jatuh ; Tok, Lon
Bersetuju ; Jin dee,Tok Long
Lompat ; kra'dord
Lompat tinggi : kra'dord soong
Lompat jauh ; kra'dord klai
Pukul ; Tee
Tampar ; Tob
Tampar muka ; Tob naa
Tengok ; Doo
Menonton ; Chom
Mengigit ; Kad
Tunduk ; Kom
Tunduk hormat ; khorng
Nampak ; Hen
Mahu ; Tong karn, Au
Hendak ; Au , Tong karn
 ( apa kabar anda ? / anda sehat ke ? )- Sebai de re khab ?
Nak order - Khor Sorng aa'harn
Nasi goreng ayam - Khau kai thord
Nasi puteh/nasi kosong - khau plao
Nasi tambah - khau tern
teh ais/teh sejuk - cha jen
teh - naam cha
ayam goreng - khai thord
daging goreng - Negha'wua thord
Tolong lap - chuai chad tok
Tolong kira duit - chuai khid ngern
jom p dating/jejalan - Pai thaieu

[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand] 

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Sembilan]

Ambil : Jib, Au
Angkat ; Jok
Ajar : sorn
Pergi : pai
Mari/datang : maa
Cuba : Long, Thod long
Memasak ; Hung
Cari ; Haa
Sembah ; Wai
Berenang ; Wai naam
Hulur ; Jen hai
Pikul ; harm, baek
Hisap ; Soob
Tiup ; Pao
Hisab (maths) ; Khid
Sedut ; Dood
Suka (berkenan) : Chorb
Cinta ; Rak
Sukahati ; gembira
Lahir/beranak ; Kerd, khlod
Hidu ; Dom, Horm
Kucup ; choob
Dukacita ; Sia chai
Sakithati ; Cheb chai
Cium ; Horm
Tumbuk ; Toi, chok
Jemput /persilakan : Chern
Panggil ; Riak
Lambai tangan ; Bork me'
Beritahu ; Bork, Chaeng
Istihar ; Pra' kard
Pegang ; Te chab
Tangkap ; Chab
Panjat ; Peen
Marah ; Krot
Benci ; Kliad
Dengki ; itcha
Tulis ; khian
Baca ; Arn
Baca buku ; Arn nangse'
Sain nama /tandatangan ; Sen che'
Buang air kecil ; Pat sawa/Jiaw
Buang air besar ; thaiujjara'
Buka ; Perd

[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]

Belajar Bahasa Thai [Pelajaran Sepuluh]

Tutup = Pid
Tarik = Deng
Keluar = Ork
Masuk = khao
Lari = wing
Lari pantas = wing rew
Lari (elak diri) = Hni, leek
Cepat = Rew
Segera = Duan
Lambat lambat = chaa' chaa'
Lewat = Saai
Datang lewat = maa saai
Perlahan = koi
Perlahan lahan = koi koi
Bisng = siang dang
Rasa = Roo' sek
Rasa dukacita = Roo'sek sia chai
Bisik = Kra'sib
Basuh = Laang
Cuci = sak
Basuh tangan = Laang me
Cuci baju = Sakj segha
Senyap = Ngiab
Sunyi = Ngau
Notis = Pra'kard
Amaran = Ra'wang
Larang = Ham
Dilarang masuk = Ham khao
Sila keluar = Chern ork
Jangan = Jaa
Kemalangan = U'bat tahet
Kemalangan jalan raya = U'bat tahet bon thanon
Mati = Taai, sia chiwit
Hidup = mee chiwit
Mati lemas = Taai chom naam
Berjalan = Dern
Terbang = Bin
Kapak terbang = Khreghang bin
Melayang = Loi
Melayang atas udara = Loi bon aakard
Mengalir = Hlai
Lontar = Khwaang
Meludah air lior = Thui naam lai
Tembak (pistol) = Jing
Buang = Thing
Kena tembak = thook jing
Campak = Jorn
Cinta = rak
Cinta pada awak = Rak khun/ Rak ther
Percintaan = khwaan rak
Berkahwin = Taeng ngan, Som rod
Bercerai = Ja
Berpisah = Lerkkan
Ikut = Tarm
Sambung = To
Menjahit = Jeb
Mengkuti = Tidtarm
Suroh/arah = Sang
Guna/pakai = Chaii
Bayar = Chai,Sia
Beli = segh
Upah = Chang
Timbang/berat = Chang
Ambil upah = Rab chang
Borong/Kontrak = Mao
[Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thai - Selamat Belajar Bahasa Thailand]
 Jom Belajar Bahasa Thai!!

P/s: (macam mana? Seronok belajar bahasa Thai?/ Bahasa Thai ni kalau nak belajar, kena bercakap. Kalau tak try cakap, memang susah nak ingat.) So, Selamat mencuba. Kho ha chok Dee (Good Luck))

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to See Auras

Learn How To See Aura

Sensing Auras

If you are unable to see auras before practicing the tips outlined in this hub, do not fret -- try instead to sense the aura. You probably already do this all the time without even knowing it. Have you ever walked into your parent's bedroom after they had a fight? They may have put on a smile and acted like everything was okay for your benefit, but you could sense the tension in the room. Maybe the air was thick or your father was emitting a weird "vibe". Speaking of vibes, how many times have you left a party or declined an invitation because the vibe wasn't right? We have all probably used this term without even realizing the weight behind our words.

When you pick up on a bad vibe, you really are sensing the vibrational energy of the human environment, or aura. If you spend your time around a group of really depressed individuals, you will eventually start feeling down in the dumps yourself. Likewise, if you hang out with upbeat, positive, outgoing friends, your own attitude will change to match theirs. Atmospheres are contagious. If you were able to see aura colors, you'd notice that the depressed group would be surrounded by rings of brown, whereas the happier group would radiate with shades of yellow.

Seeing Auras

  1. Turn off the lights and lie in bed or another area where you feel most relaxed. You don't want the room to be pitch-black, but you do want as little light as possible. In most cases, streetlights filtering in through the blinds or a nightlight shining in through a crack in the door should be sufficient.
  2. Hold your hands straight out in front of you. Don't stare hard, just gaze gently. An aura is not always a bright light, usually it is more of a haze.
  3. To understand the way you should be gazing, keep holding both hands in your line of sight, then focus your gaze on the bedroom wall in front of you. Your hands will be out of focus but still visible.
  4. Extend your two pointer fingers and very slowly move your hands towards each other so your fingertips are almost touching (think Michelangelo's famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.) The aura will appear as lines of blue and red light between the two barely touching fingertips. Then, try it again with all ten fingertips barely touching.
  5. Now slowly draw your hands apart, and you'll see slight streams of energy connecting each finger. Encourage your mind to visualize the energy increasing as you move your fingertips together and apart, back and forth. Bringing the fingers tantailizingly close together (but not quite touching) seems to increase and energize the auric flow.

Practice this technique whenever you can and you may discover, over time, that you are beginning to notice the same effects around people's heads. Although auras surround the entire body, they are brightest and most visible around the head. If you are fortunate to begin seeing full body auras, there are certain things you must know about the different colors. Aura colors are constantly changing depending on mood and location, but the band of color closest to the body is known as a Life Color, and is usually fixed. Here is a rough guideline of what the different aura colors indicate.

Auric Colors


Red is the color of stress or anger. There is a reason why the phrase, "seeing red" is use when one is experiencing an extreme state of emotion. When tempers flare, even the calmest aura color will suffer from a flash of red, and if someonehas a red overlay, or hue, around them at all times, this can mean their interactions are often colored by anger or intensity. Red is a physical color typically found in businessmen, politicians and other highly ambitious people who have the focus and determination to accomplish any goals they set. A concentration of red light in an individual who does not otherwise exhibit that color usually indicates an ailment, usually around the throat or ears. Pink, on the other hand, is associated with sensitive, caring feelings, and is usually seen around women during pregnancy.


Orange is a healing and cleansing color, created when the vitality of red mixes with the optimism of yellow. Also a physical color, orange is associated with recovery from illness or trauma and can indicate both physical or mental vitality. Orange around the head means the person is tolerant and open-minded. Orange is also frequently seen in auras when the individual is coming upon a time of change, be it a new home or a new relationship. Orange appears when the past breaks open to forge new paths. Balls of orange light around the head mean that the person's mind is set on changing their life but may not be quite ready to do so; small flecks of orange and the changes have just recently begun. Pastel orange indicates new aspirations of a spiritual kind. This color is usually found in people who are seeking but have not yet found their new destiny. Because orange is the color of change, this color is often found in counsellors, social workers, and any other occupation that seeks to help people change for the better.


Yellow is the color of energy and expression, optimism and cheerfullness. If the color yellow appears in pin-like streaks, however, it could mean that the person is experiencing a split in their personality, and struggling to merge their energetic, youthful demeanor with the grown-up demands of society. Their mind is torn between too many options, which tends to cause stress among people with this color in their aura.


Green is the color of nature, of rebirth and renewal. Many doctors and healers have this color in their aura. Greens are straightforward and loyal, and truly want the best for everyone. Bright green means that person likes to help, whereas a sickly lemon color can indicate deceit or, more likely, envy. Rich emerald green indicates strength of character. In fact, any healthy shade of green is a positive sign; only dark black greens are negative, indiciating an untrustworthy personality. Green is linked with blood pressure and the heart--as long as the torso emits a bright green light, the person is healthy.


Blue is an emotional color found in highly sensitive, spiritual individuals. Blues bring peace and calm to those around them, and exhibit a love of freedom and desire to reach new spiritual heights. Mediums who are able to hear spirit voices usually have bright blues in their aura, along with writers. An aura filled with bright blue means the person is very healthy and at peace. Visualizing ocean blue has a calming effect on the nerves and can even stabilize fever.


Also emotional colors, violets and indigos are spiritually advanced individuals and activists. These people are also highly sensitive, usually able to see auras themselves. The darker the shade, the deeper the person's spiritual quest. These individuals recognize the importance of bodily purity and communication with the unconscious. Tapping into these colors within yourself may help you to expand your horizons. When violet mixes with white to create lavender, the person is incredibly advanced and has reached the pinnacle of understanding.


Mat Kilau (Pahang Warrior and Patriot)

Mat Kilau was born in 1847 in Kampung Masjid Pulau Tawar, near Jerantut, Pahang, son of Khatib Rasu (later Imam Perang Indera Gajah) or Tok Gajah, who was one of the district chiefs of Pahang.

He married Yang Chik binti Imam Daud of Kampung Kedondong, when he was 20 years old, and had three children, one of whom, Omar, was to help him when he re-emerged from silence in 1969.

It was said that Mat Kilau learnt the finer art of silat and spiritual knowledge only after his marriage and one of his masters was his father.

His father, Tok Gajah or Imam Rasu bin Shahrom, fought many victorious battles for Sultan Ahmad, and is reputed to be able to lift a house by himself.

portrait of mat kilau at the pahang heroes muzium
Mat Kilau also studied religion and spiritual matters under the tutelage of Haji Osman, also known as Haji Muntuk, the religious man who later was to be appointed as Mufti of Pahang.

Mat Kilau joined the rebellion against the British imperialism (Pahang Rebellion 1891 – 1895) when he was 44 years old. Tok Gajah (his father) and the Panglima Kakap and later Orang Kaya Pahlawan Perkasa Semantan, Datuk Bahaman bin Dato’ Imam Noh, were some of his famous comrades-in-arms against the British during the period.


Mat Kilau showed his talent and genius while still young. He was an excellent Quran reader as a child, knowing various forms of Quranic recitation styles. In his teenage years, he excelled in the Malay traditional games of top spinning and "berlaga buah keras" and was always appointed the captain of his kampung team against neighbouring village teams.

It was as chief of his kampung’s game (animal) hunting that exposed him to the secrets of the jungle. And this intimate knowledge of the forests and jungle stood him in good stead when he later fought the British imperialists in the late 1880s.

But he is awed and respected by his followers because of his unusual or supernatural abilities in the physical and spiritual realms.

Amongst others, it is said that:-

  • He can kill a person with just his bare hands.
  • He can lift and carry a cow or bull alone by himself.
  • He can eat fish with the bones intact, without internal injuries.
  • He can drink poisonous drinks without any effect.
  • He only used a stick and bamboo during fights with the British army, who used gunfire.
  • He can make himself looked real dead and disappear from enemies.


The British had actually been misled by Mat Kilau into thinking that he was dead, ending their various pursuits in the jungles of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan, which they tried in vain many times previously.

mat kilau at 122 years old
There were actually two versions of his death recorded in the history books. One version is that he died during an ambush by Siamese soldiers at a ceremony in Kelantan . Another version is that he died on the way to the Kuala Reh beach. These deaths were believed to have occurred around 1895.

It is interesting to note on the first version that he actually pretended dead, since he possessed this supernatural ability to stop heart and breathing movements for a few hours, making his death looked authentic, even upon examination. It was said that a banana stem was later inserted in place of his body into the grave.

When he re-emerged in 1969, the public was informed that he had made a pledge to Sultan Abdullah of Pahang, to stay peacefully in the state and not to reveal his true identity to anyone.

Mat Kilau led a quiet life at Kampung Batu 5, Jalan Kuantan, Pekan for more than 35 years. During this quiet period he assumed various names, including Mat Siam.

He came out in the open on 26th December 1969, accompanied by his son, Omar bin Mat Kilau, and announced his true identity at the Masjid (Mosque) Pulau Tawar, near Jerantut. He was about 122 years old then.


As news reports proliferated on the emergence of this legendary warrior, the Pahang State Government subsequently formed a special Committee on the 8th of January 1970, to check the veracity and authenticity of his claim.

Counter-checks were made on his history and stories of his plights and ventures were corroborated and other evidences submitted before the Committee made the final decision.

His smooth and correct answers to the Committee’s deep queries on historical matters and made without hesitation, plus his mannerism and conduct and comfortable use of uncommon palace language during his meeting with the Sultan of Pahang, were substantial proofs of his genuine claim.

Physically, the big mole on his right cheek, a long mole below the left shoulder and visible, old bullet scars on his shoulders and body, plus an additional flesh on the small toe of his foot, tallied with his old identity and history.

He also has a special short stick with the hilt of a carved head of a bird. And it was said that he actually only use the stick and sometimes a sharp bamboo ("buluh runcing") when fighting or going to battle with the British.


The stick or sharp bamboo he used as a weapon is actually the "sulur bertam", a cane –like plant that grows high on the mountains in Pahang.

The sulur bertam is dangerous to humans, and it may cause paralysis when one is hit by the cane.

It is said that another legendary Malay warrior, the Orang Kaya Semantan, Datuk Bahaman, also used this sulur bertam as his weapon.


After close to seven months of investigation, on 6th August 1970, the then Menteri Besar of Pahang, Tan Sri Haji Yahaya Mohd Seth, announced the Committee’s findings and verdict.

The Committee declared and officially verified that the said Mat Siam is truly the legendary Pahang warrior and patriot Mat Kilau, the son of Tok Gajah.


But as destiny would have it, just four days after the announcement of the Committee’s findings, Mat Kilau died. The great man passed away before the public had even then to fully digest from the mouth of the man who made history himself, more stories of his exploits and deeds.

But life’s like that sometimes.

He was buried at Kampung Kedondong, a village about two miles above Pulau Tawar, near the grave of his mother, Teh Mahada.

A grandson, Ibrahim bin Omar, about 70 years old now, still lives in Kampung Bukit Rang, Pulau Tawar.

Well, Mat Kilau, a legendary warrior, a valiant fighter and patriot, and a true son of Pahang, is no more.

But his name and exploits shall forever be etched in the annals of Malaysian history, for his indefatigable leadership and bravery against heavy odds.

He may have lost the battles against an imperial power but he had won the ultimate endearment of all patriots, not only of Pahang but everywhere in Malaysia.

His fighting spirit and valor in times of national need shall perhaps be a model for future generations to follow.

He is depicted in the Pahang Heroes Museum (Muzium Tokoh Pahang) in Kuantan, and a brief history of his stoic resistance against the British imperialism can be read there.


Book on Tok Gajah, Mat Kilau in The Offing

Kuala Lumpur, Sat 21st Nov -- The Tok Shahrom-Tok Gajah-Mat Kilau Next
of Kin Association plans to publish a book on Mat Kilau and his father, Tok
Gajah's fight against colonial masters.

Its chairman, Datuk Zulkifli Mohamad said the book would be authored by

former University Malaya's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences head of history
department Prof. Abdullah Zakaria.

"We expect the book to be published next year as part of our Vision 2015. It
will rebut the negative portrayal of Tok Gajah and Mat Kilau by the colonial
government that the duo were rebels and involved in acts of treason," he told
Bernama at a ceremony here today to mark the 40th anniversary of Mat Kilau

Mat Kilau, who was accompanied by his son, Omar, came out in the open and
announced his true identity, at a mosque in Pulau Tawar, Pahang on Dec 26, 1969.

Zulkifli said the association would strive to straighten out conflicting
facts on Tok Gajah and Mat Kilau, research on the background of Tok Shahrom (Tok
Gajah's father) and publish an index on the family tree.

Mat Kilau was said to be buried in Bunut Payong, Kelantan but the Pahang
state government attested that he was laid to rest in Pulau Tawar.

Zulkifli, who is the fourth generation of Tok Gajah, said the association
would hold an assembly of the descendants of the warriors in Pekan on Nov 28.

Vivix Shaklee
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